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Learn the Secrets of Theta Healing Technique Pdf Converter and Achieve Your Goals


Theta Healing technique uses theta brain waves of a low frequency that are characteristic of the first phase of sleep. About theta brain waves can be spoken of as a subconscious. They rule part of our mind, which is placed between the conscious and the unconscious. This feature allows it to function below the level of the conscious mind. These waves contain memories and feelings, and they also control our attitudes, beliefs and our behavior. In theta state of mind, we can communicate and work with the Highest Consciousness or Creator (or God), where we can change the reality in any segment of life - mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. Anyone who accepts the existence of Creative Energy, Higher Intelligence, Creator or God can learn and use this technique regardless of age, sex, religion and so on.Within Theta healing technique, we work on four levels: Basic level, Genetic level, Historical level and Level Of The Soul. The basic level includes everything that has been taught in this life, the beliefs we have accepted since childhood and which became part of us. The genetic level contains the beliefs that we inherited from our ancestors. Deep genetic memories, memories that are from past lives or collective consciousness of mankind are placed in the historical level., The level of the soul includes everything that we are.

Theta Healing Technique Pdf Converter

Theta healing is a model of energy healing, received and developed by Vianna Stibal. Born with intuitive abilities, she was successfully developed the Orian technique that grew into Theta Healing. In 1995, she was diagnosed with a serious problem in her right leg, a femure cancer. Successfully healing other people, he decided to apply the same method on herself. It worked! The right leg that became shorter than the left, returned to normal. Even in a normal size. The pain disappeared and the leg healed. Today, she is healthy grandmother, writer and successfully teaches people all over the world. For more information on Vianna Stibal visit the official website.

Results: The main effects of slow breathing techniques cover autonomic and central nervous systems activities as well as the psychological status. Slow breathing techniques promote autonomic changes increasing Heart Rate Variability and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia paralleled by Central Nervous System (CNS) activity modifications. EEG studies show an increase in alpha and a decrease in theta power. Anatomically, the only available fMRI study highlights increased activity in cortical (e.g., prefrontal, motor, and parietal cortices) and subcortical (e.g., pons, thalamus, sub-parabrachial nucleus, periaqueductal gray, and hypothalamus) structures. Psychological/behavioral outputs related to the abovementioned changes are increased comfort, relaxation, pleasantness, vigor and alertness, and reduced symptoms of arousal, anxiety, depression, anger, and confusion.

At the EEG level, slow breathing techniques are associated with reductions in theta and increases in alpha activity. The increase of alpha power is in line with the results described in a recent systematic review dealing with the neurophysiology of mindfulness (Lomas et al., 2015), and has been interpreted as an index of an increased inwardly directed attention (i.e., to the self-regulated act of breathing). We hypothesized that the progressive sensory deafferentation occurring during slow breathing techniques induces an inward directed attentional shift allowing both alpha increase and higher DMN synchronization. The thalamus, strongly engaged in a burst mode activity in the alpha range, impedes the expression of other pacemakers such those underlying theta rhythms. According to this hypothesis, the deepening of meditative state allows the emergence of theta rhythm which owing to its off-periods, plays a fundamental role in altering the state of consciousness.

Believers in these techniques have proposed quantum mystical invocations of non-locality to try to explain distant healing.[14] They have also proposed that healers act as a channel passing on a kind of bioelectromagnetism which shares similarities to vitalistic pseudosciences such as orgone or qi.[15][16] Writing in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, James Oschman[38] introduced the concept of healer-sourced electromagnetic fields which change in frequency. Oschman believes that "healing energy" derives from electromagnetic frequencies generated by a medical device, projected from the hands of the healer, or by electrons acting as antioxidants. [39] Beverly Rubik, in an article in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, justified her belief with references to biophysical systems theory, bioelectromagnetics, and chaos theory that provide her with a "...scientific foundation for the biofield..."[40] Drew Leder remarked in a paper in the same journal that such ideas were attempts to "make sense of, interpret, and explore 'psi' and distant healing." and that "such physics-based models are not presented as explanatory but rather as suggestive."[41] 2ff7e9595c


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