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The Best Cat Ever Book: How to Train Your Cat to Do Amazing Tricks


What's more super-amazing, more awesome than a cat dressed up as:- A Unicorn- A Lumberjack- The Abominable Snowman - A Ninja...Nothing--that's what! The Best Cat Book Ever features the super-amazing, 100% awesome AC the cat in tons of purrrrfectly hilarious costumes. But really, why are you still reading this? Go on, see for yourself why this is truly the most awesome thing that will ever grace your bookshelves!

McNamee went to great lengths to track down a psychologist, Dr Eileen Karsh, whose important work on kitten development is now out of print. This interview, and his visit to a colony of feral cats in Rome, are amongst the highlights of this fascinating book.

the best cat ever book

This book by Dr John Bradshaw and Dr Sarah Ellis starts from the premise that we can make life better for our cats by training them to cope with the kinds of things that are essential, but often disliked by the cat.

The quizzes look at a range of topics from your relationship with your cat and how well cats in a multi-cat home get along with each other, to finding out what kind of cat is best for you. In between the quizzes, Science Corner sections discuss recent research.

If you want to know how to prevent or resolve behaviour issues in cats, this book, edited by Dr Meghan E Herron, Dr Debra F Horwitz and Dr Carlo Siracusa with an introduction by Steve Dale, is for you.

As the summer wanes, many of us will need a good book to read on vacation, at the beach or to add to our summer reading list to be handed in on the first day of school. This blog post is a curated list of books with appeal for cat lovers.

The Merck Manual is a classic veterinary textbook, but they also have a book directed at animal owners including cats. This is a good reference for people interested in understanding the health conditions of their favorite feline. A less intense but equally useful book is 101 Essential Tips for Cat Health & Safety by the Preventive Vet aka Dr. Jason Nicolas, an AMC alumnus.

If you have a creative side, perhaps a cat coloring book should go into your carryon bag for your next trip. Vacation is a good time to get a jump on holiday gift crafting. Perhaps making crocheted hats for your friends who are cats, knitting a replica of your favorite cat or creating cat hair handicrafts will be a relaxing late summer activity.

Pounce! National Geographic KidsYou can train cats?! Tips and strategies beyond litter box training will astonish you. Roll over, beg, high-five? Who knew!? This book is chock-full of great information and ideas plus problem solving and enrichment. Full-color photos, beautiful layouts, plus a wealth of information make this an engaging, all-encompassing book that every cat owner needs.

I have been forever looking for a Childress book about a cat that dies t know what he wants be when he grows up, an alley cat, a house cat, can anyone tell me what book that is? I used to read it nightly to my daughter in the early 90s

Fans of fiction books about cats will be happy to know that this is the first in a series of cozy mysteries that will delight cat and crime lovers in equal measure.Read The Cat Who Could Read Backwards: Amazon Goodreads

In one of the most famous and beloved works of fantasy ever written, young Alice finds herself in the confusing and chaotic world of Wonderland after following a white rabbit with a watch down a rabbit hole.

It created one of the most iconic feline characters that fiction books about cats have referenced and imitated for generations since.Read Alice in Wonderland: Amazon Goodreads

The incredibly heartwarming nature of this true-life story makes A Street Cat Named Bob one of the best books about cats you can hope to find.Read A Street Cat Named Bob: Amazon Goodreads

The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents is perfect for anyone looking for lighthearted books with cats as main characters.Read The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents: Amazon Goodreads

These are great! Some I have read but many I have not. This will be my list to add to my "must reads." I'd also like to throw in one more, that you missed due to just launching and not being on anyone's radar yet. Whiskers Abroad: Ashi and Audrey's Adventures in Japan. It has magical realism, a typing cat, adventures, lots of yummy food and photos galore. A traveling cat is way more interesting than a traveling woman. Yes, I am a bit biased. I am the author of the book. Please don't hate me for my shameless self promotion. I hope this comment still gets approved because I believe people reading from the list will also like to read this. Thank you for allowing my comment!

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